Future of Java Technology: Java Development Trends to Watch Out for in 2025

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    Java, a programming language that has been around for more than two decades, is not remaining stagnant but is dynamic and adapting to newer trends and technologies. Here are some of the Java development trends that we expect will define the future of Java programming in 2025. 

    Java is one of the most popular programming languages, and it was developed and released in 1995. It proved to be highly portable, platform-independent, and resilient, which makes it quite popular among developers and firms. Java popularity in 2024 is very high as it is found that 37% of AL/ML developers use Java, behind Javascript and Python.

    However, like other technologies, the Java environment has undergone significant transformations over the years. AI, cloud computing, and other cutting-edge technologies prefix the current generation of Java applications.

    Here we have put together some leading Java Technology Trends and their impact on developers and businesses in 2025. 

    Latest Updates In Java

    There have been improvements and changes in the Java Development trends over the last couple of years to make it suitable for the dynamic technological world. Java also received a major update with the release of Java 17 in September 2021 and the arrival of long-term support (LTS), as well as performance, stability, and security improvements. Key updates include:

    • Sealed Classes: Enabling developers to limit the classes or interfaces to which others can subclass or implement them, giving more control over code to subclasses.
    • Pattern Matching for Instance: Minimum code and less number of boilerplate interfaces through enabling type checks and type casts at the same pass.
    • New APIs and Libraries: Updating the additional features and device efficiency of the language, for instance, new methods in the Stream and Optional classes.

    Maintaining these current trends in Java technology is equally significant to make the maximum use of the language by developers.

    Why Java Technology?

    Java technology is among the most significant in the present software development due to its flexibility, stability, and existence of an affiliated environment. However, one of the factors that have contributed to the continued use of Java is the runtime environment that Java encourages. This is what people call the “write once, run anywhere” notion. This ensures that Java applications can contend with different devices and OS types if they have been implemented with a JVM-compatible version. 

    Further, Java is acknowledged to be the language for the development of inherently secure and mission-critical applications. It also has good memory management. That is, it utilizes exceptions to enhance the reliability and flexibility of programs, as well as offering several high-quality security APIs that help to make applications secure.

    Leading Java Technology Trends to Watch out for in 2025

    Here are Some of the current trends in Java 2024 

    Leading Java Technology Trends

    1. AI-Driven Apps

    The phenomenon of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is happening across industries, and Java is at the centre of this revolution. A great number of related libraries, such as Deeplearning4j and DL4J, prove the solidity of Java environments in AI applications. Thus, it is predicted that by the year 2024, there will be numerous new AI applications in Java due to its stability and ability to create highly efficient models for AI applications.

    2. Serverless Architecture

    Serverless architecture is the latest trend in Java. This trend, which is expected to grow exponentially over the next couple of years, is serverless computing, which is highly scalable and affordable. Java developers are shifting towards serverless architecture to develop applications that can effortlessly adjust based on the volume of traffic without having the programmers manage the server system. AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions, for instance, allow developers to create serverless apps using the language.

    3. Spring Framework 

    New Spring frameworks keep the ecosystem trending. Two of the frameworks, Spring Boot 3.0 and Spring Native 6.0 GA have been introduced recently to embrace innovations in Open JDK. The developers use these frameworks to create ahead-of-time transformations and get better application performance. Spring has emerged as one of the leading choices for java development. This popularity is expected to grow with time and new releases.

    4. SaaS & PaaS

    SaaS and PaaS are new trends in Java. These models are gradually gaining popularity as businesses begin to benefit from the various opportunities offered by these models. Due to this flexibility, Java is one of the most recommended languages for the implementation of SaaS & PaaS. This shift has also fueled the use of Java in these domains since it offers a reliable cloud management solution for enterprises.

    5. Native Image Compilation with GraalVM

    GraalVM is a revolutionary piece of development with Java optimization through native image compilation. This means that similar to C/C++ applications, Java applications can be pre-compiled into binaries and are, therefore, faster and use less memory when launched. This highlights the fact that as more developers understand the improvement that GraalVM brings to their productivity, it is likely to grow, thus making it one of the trends to look at in the year 2024.

    6. Release of Jakarta EE 9

    The release of Jakarta EE 9 is quite a major change in the realm of enterprise Java. By changing some parts such as namespace, and name from Java EE to Jakarta EE, the platform looks modern and is closer to the current industry trends. In view of this, the use of Jakarta EE 9 will likely increase as more applications are moved to the new version that supports the new features and enhancements.

    7. Micronaut and Quarkus

    Another rise in popularity is associated with frameworks such as Micronaut and Quarkus for building microservices and cloud-native applications. Such frameworks are generally lightweight and performance-oriented over conventional Java frameworks for contemporary development ecosystems. Micronaut and Quarkus are extravagant examples of the new world taking shape in the Java ecosystem with more lightweight and efficient purposes.

    Top Companies Using Java For Their Applications

    A few big and influential Java development company for their most crucial applications and that proves how potent this language is still.

    Top Companies Using Java for Their Apps

    • Pinterest: Uses Java to create the backend infrastructure that can be integrated into applications with millions of customers and petabytes of data.
    • Airbnb: Utilises Java for its back-end architecture to provide its international platform with the highest rates of functionality and stability.
    • Uber: Uses Java to host most of its real-time applications that rely on large data sets to serve millions of clients across the globe.

    These companies demonstrate the reliance that other leaders have on Java to create and sustain their critical applications.

    Future of Java Technology: Does it Have a Bright Future? 

    The future of Java technology is bright as it will be updated and enhanced to meet the changing environment within different organizations. The language can attribute this strength to the fact that it is highly portable and enjoys enormous community support, making it capable of responding to the requirements of the contemporary development environment. The coupling of AL development,  serverless computing and cloud-native technologies with Java is a clear pointer that the language will remain potent in the programming world.


    Java is still one of the essential programming languages in the current software development trends with the new inventions. At ManekTech, we have an expert team with an upper hand on development and taking pride in making most of the development with Java trends. 

    Our team of developers continue to stay on top of the trends integrating AI and other technologies to change the game of development. 

    Being the best Java development company, we bring the best for your project that exceeds every development requirement. Contact us today to step into the future of Java Technology.

    About Author

    Manektech Team

    Ruchir Pandya

    Delivery Head of Web

    Ruchir Pandya is a seasoned software and business professional with over 15 years of experience in IT, Software Development, and operations. As the overseer of the Open-Source Web department (PHP Department), he takes charge of development and operations.

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