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    Digitalization has become the center of attraction among business owners these days. It is the Era of digital evolution. A large number of companies have a high influence on digital transformation in today’s date and their biggest weapon is Mobile Applications.

    Let’s dive into the discussion of the Importance of mobile applications in digitization with this article today. But let us first understand the significance of Digital Transformation.


    What is Digital Transformation?

    Digital Transformation can be defined as a smart shift towards technology while leaving the traditional methodologies of business behind. It is a process of incorporating gadgets and software systems in an organization to intend growth.

    This process involves a major makeover in working styles, modes of interaction with customers, and leadership methodologies. This adaption definitely has its own list of costs and benefits but the advantages have undoubtedly won the game.

    Let us now move towards the benefits of this Digital Revolution.


    The benefits of adapting to Digital transformation

    benefits of adapting to Digital transformation

    As per the research conducted by SAP, with the transition towards a digital landscape, organizations have shown 23% more growth and profitability as compared to competitors. They have seen a massive improvement in the percentage of operational efficiencies and meet customer expectations.

    Out of many good reasons for inclining towards digital transformation, we have highlighted some of the crucial ones.

    1. Improved Transparency

    With real-time data access, digitization fosters clear communication and improved operational visibility in any business. And of course, we all know that transparency in business can bolster its accountability and growth to a great extent.

    2. Accurate Customer Insights

    With Digitalization one can get accurate customer data analytics and honest feedback directly from customers themselves. This helps the organizations understand the needs of their clients and serve them with better accuracy. 

    3. Globalization

    Digital transformation has significantly facilitated the globalization of organizations by breaking geographical barriers all around. Businesses can now easily reach global audiences through different digital platforms.

    4. Workflow optimization

    With Digital platforms or mobile applications involved, organizations can easily optimize the workflow of their company. They can smoothly automate repetitive and tedious tasks with digital equipment to engage their workforce in productive things.

    5. Efficient resource management

    Resource management has become easier with digital evolution. Whether it is streamlining work, resource maintenance, monitoring energy consumption, or anything else, accurate digital data has covered up the chances of losses in any business resulting in structured resource management.

    Overall, Digital transformation has proved beneficial to organizations in many ways. Absorbing the fact, 60% of businesses in today’s date are working on digitalizing or have already transformed to digital platforms in order to leverage growth.


    Role of Mobile Applications in Digital Transformation

    When talking about Digital Transformation, we have to talk about Mobile Applications. Mobile devices in general, have a pivotal role to play in the digitalization of the world. We can proudly boast that the rise of mobile and internet is the root cause of this positive change.

    With the incorporation of mobile application development into business strategies the connection with the customer has become more deep and direct. Clients want everything on mobile today and companies are boasting that they have facilities with peculiar mobile application developments for them.

    Apart from that, company employees have also gotten major benefits from this digital transformation happening all around. The companies have vitalized their employees with enterprise mobility where they can look into the business even when not present at working desks. This has improved the team's productivity with the upgradation of employee experience.


    Why businesses should invest in Mobile Apps for Digital transformation?

    Benefits of Investing in Mobile Application Development for Digital Transformation

    As the research indicates, with enterprise mobility the rates of workforce engagement and customer satisfaction have shown substantial growth. There is a major improvement in both the departments of a business as now both employees and clients can utilize their respective services from anywhere in the world.

    Hence with time, companies have now understood the need for an enterprise mobility culture for the benefit of their business. Since then, enterprise mobile application development has become a crucial requirement of business owners while performing digital transition.

    Here are some important benefits of investing in Mobile Application Development for Digital Transformation:

    1. Instant Engagement

    Mobile Apps facilitate instant engagement. It enables immediate and direct responses from users whenever required resulting in improved work efficiency and customer satisfaction.

    2. Sales Growth

    Through intuitive and accessible mobile platforms, businesses can expand their reach to a global audience, attract more customers, and drive sales growth by offering enhanced customer satisfaction facilities to them.

    3. Process Automation

    Mobile Apps streamline various processes within an organization by automating tasks and reducing manual efforts. This automation consciously improves the work efficiency of employees allowing them to invest time in some serious business.

    4. Simplify workflow

    By integrating complex workflows in mobile applications, organizations have opened the door to innovation and creativity among employees. As a result, they get involved more in working on the growth of the company.


    Business sectors that have already invested in Digital Transformation.

    While we are talking about the opportunities and obstacles of digital transition in any profession. There are some business sectors that have already invested in it and are confronting growth.

    Business sectors that have already invested in Digital Transformation

    1. Banking

    The banking sector has witnessed a massive digital revolution over the past few years. It is the most crucial business sector among all others as it deals with the assets and liabilities of people. However, the way it has grown digitally is tremendous. From transferring funds online to converting currency to facilitating investments, digitalization has changed the face of traditional banking.

    Overall, the banking sector has progressed immensely while aiming at consumer satisfaction.

    2. Healthcare

    One industry that has gained massive attention after digitalization is HealthCare. Initially, people were afraid of going to hospitals. The fear of waiting in long queues, unawareness of effective treatments, and much more was a large factor. But now with mobile development, everything has become easier for them. Individuals are now more conscious about their well-being. They are consulting doctors through hands-on digitalized processes.

    Not only patients, but doctors have also gained a lot of benefits from this digital transformation. They can now show instant availability to their patients on mobile applications. They can offer virtual consultation from anywhere in cases of emergency.

    3. Retail

    Online Shopping has boomed the market in the last 2-3 years. People have an unbelievable craze for buying things online. And with mobile development, it has increased to a great extent. Also, the services provided by online retailers are commendable. Digitalization has given a hassle-free shopping experience to customers while sitting at home.

    From the selection of a product to getting it delivered to doorsteps, everything has come to the tip of the finger. Digitalization has changed the complete image of the retail industry.

    4. Food

    Who would have ever thought that one could order food from a favorite restaurant, chill at home, and enjoy a delicious meal? But Digital Transformation has made it possible. As per the survey carried out by Zippia, online food ordering has increased by 300% in the past few years. This percentage tends to grow in the upcoming years.

    Ordering food through mobile apps has become so easy and convenient that people now prefer it over dining out.  From delivery logistics to real-time tracking and route optimization, food delivery apps are acing it all.



    Almost every business sector is experiencing the digital transformation these days. Also, they are getting amused by its potential every day.  Mobile apps are playing a pivotal role in the journey by offering everything on hand. Cherry on the top, the coming of IoT and AI has taken the whole scenario to a different level.

    Mobile Application Development has become a must for every business. It will be a great decision to invest in mobile development to get on the path of digital revolution at this stage of your business.

    CTA of The Power of Mobile Apps in Digital Transformation

    About Author

    Manektech Team

    Nikhil Solanki

    Mobile Lead

    Nikhil Solanki has 10+ years of experience in Mobile App Development and currently works as the Mobile Lead at ManekTechworked. He is an experienced Mobile lead with a demonstrated history of working in Mobile's information technology and services industry. 

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