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    You can only win the hearts of your users by offering a seamless and satisfying user experience. Millennials have different user expectations, and you must cater to them, or you are doomed. Also, the dynamics of web and mobile app design are changing.

    Today, you must design multiple-device apps and ensure a consistent user experience. It is challenging for developers to develop awe-inspiring and intuitive designs that offer a uniform experience across all devices and platforms.

    At each design step, UX designers face challenges and must answer each challenge with unique and creative efforts. Also, UX designers must worry about AI designer bots that might replace them. Hiring a team of professionals who offer high-quality UI UX design services is the need of the hour.

    Let's check out some statistics before we proceed further.

    A survey reveals that 80% of consumers would spend more for a better user experience.

    90% of users will not use an app as it is designed poorly.

    88% of online customers said they would not revisit a website after a bad user experience.

    Also, 13% of people will tell about their bad experiences to 15 or more people.

    Also, each dollar you spend on UX design will return $100.

    What do these statistics reveal? User experience plays a critical role in today's cut-throat competition era. You must use all the weapons in your armory to offer a seamless, satisfying, and user-centric experience.


    What is UX Design?

    UX design is all about designing a website or mobile app per your target audience's needs and expectations. Before designing an app, you must research what your users look for. Once you have a clear idea of what your target audience is looking for, your design journey will be smooth sailing.

    UX designers follow various design methodologies and use different design tools to develop immersive, user-centric designs for web and mobile apps. Their biggest challenge is designing user-friendly and visually appealing websites and mobile apps.

    Also, they have to think of various devices and platforms while designing an app. Users should be able to use the app quickly, and the app also should look promising and uncluttered.

    One thing that you should remember is that UX design will determine the fate of your app. You will find various case studies on the internet about startup failures due to poor user experiences. You need to come up with a foolproof plan to avoid such situations.

    You can avoid such situations by following standard design practices and hiring experienced UX designers. Let's check out why UX design is important


    What is the Importance of UI/UX Design?

    As we discussed, the user experience will determine the fate of your app. The role of UX designers is very crucial in the app development process. They must design high-quality apps with impressive, intuitive, and uncluttered user interfaces.

    Also, they have to consider the menu, navigation, and other design aspects while designing an app. A recent survey revealed that 75% of consumers judge a brand's credibility on its website design.

    You should hire UI/UX designers who are well-versed in the latest design trends. Also, they should be highly creative in their design approaches. Remember that design is the new king whether you design a website or app. All apps that perform well have invested heavily in UI/UX design.

    A properly designed website or app offers a brilliant user experience to users. Users can easily navigate through the app and can take necessary actions. Also, if they are satisfied with the knowledge, they will also recommend it to others. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose.

    Ultimately, UX plays an instrumental role in winning over customers' loyalty. Offer good time to your users, and they will surely reciprocate in return. 


    Why Do UX Designers Face Challenges?

    Almost all professionals face some challenges in their daily lives, and so are UX designers. Sometimes, clients want to make some changes in the design, and designers have to follow them. On the other hand, designers sometimes are unhappy with what they have created.

    The best solution to these UX challenges is to learn and upskill. Designers have to always be a student. First of all, designers should be technically proficient. They should be familiar with HTML, CSS, SQL, and other technologies. They also should know how to use various design tools.

    Also, they should know about the difference between web designing and web development. Designers should learn creative design software like Adobe, Sketch, Figma, etc.

    Also, designers can approach online web and app design forums for issues. They can also attend design workshops and boot camps to learn new skills.

    Facing design challenges is a good thing. It allows you to learn something new that you have not encountered earlier. You will grow as an intelligent designer. So, accept all the challenges and turn them into opportunities. This is the best approach to learn and grow. 


    10 Common UX Challenges and Their Solutions 

    UX Challenges


    Keep a balance between user needs and business goals. 

    Research your target audience and their persona, interests, preferences, and other aspects, along with business goals. 

    Compatibility for different devices and platforms 

    Develop a design system to achieve compatibility. Follow platform-specific design guidelines

    Highly intuitive and impressive User Interfaces 

    Create a visual hierarchy and use appropriate colours, fonts, typography, etc. 

    Accessibility and inclusivity 

    Follow the accessibility and inclusivity design practices. 

    Budget and Time Restrictions

    Prioritise tasks and follow a clean design practice. 

    Confused and Complex Chatbots

    Keep the chatbot language simple. Assign the support agent in case of complex questions.

    Lack of Understanding of Your Role

    Educate designers about their roles and responsibilities. 

    Keeping up to date with design trends

    Educate and teach yourself about the latest design trends and practices. 

    A/B Testing Errors

    Ensure clear hypotheses and use the right sample and target audience. 

    Design-Development Gap

    Keep a communication channel open between designers and developers. 


    Now, it is time to discuss common UX design challenges and how to resolve them. 


    1. Keep a balance between user needs and business goals.

    The first challenge is prevalent; you will experience it in almost all projects. Users have different desires and needs, and businesses have goals and requirements.

    You have to balance them to find the right solution. You have to design a product that perfectly strikes a balance between user needs and business goals. Most business goals are profitability, user engagement, customer retention, etc. Ensuring the delicate balance is what the finest UX designers do. 


    • Research user persona, target audience, competitor analysis, and know what your customers expect from the product. 
    • Discuss business goals thoroughly with the client. 
    • Use various data analytics to measure user engagement and meet business requirements. 
    • Involve stakeholders in the design process to meet user needs. 
    • Go for a user-centric design to meet user needs. 


    2. Compatibility for different devices and platforms

    In today's tech-driven era, users access apps or websites on various devices and platforms. You must ensure the app offers a uniform user experience across all devices. If the app does not work flawlessly across all devices and platforms, users will not appreciate it.

    Ensure the app works seamlessly on tablets, computers, mobile browsers, and Android iOS platforms. Hire a web development company with talented, experienced UX designers to ensure high-end compatibility across all devices. 


    You can follow these approaches to offer a seamless user experience across all devices and platforms.

    • You should use a system that perfectly defines consistent design patterns and components. 
    • Conduct thorough testing across all devices and platforms to find usability issues and inconsistencies. 
    • Follow platform-specific design guidelines to ensure a flawless performance. 
    • Offer a personalised experience to users by considering the user's needs, location, devices, preferences, and interests. 

    mobile app ideas blog

    3. Highly intuitive and impressive User Interfaces

    Users interact with the app through a user interface. It is the first section they come across with. Users might feel disappointed if you have a cluttered, unimpressive, dull user interface. You must design an intuitive, impressive, visually appealing user interface to score high in the first match.

    An ideal user interface allows users to easily navigate, use, and understand the app. Designers must design a user interface with the right mix of colours, typography, layouts, and visual hierarchy. Also, the user interface must offer high-end functionality to users.


    Here are guidelines to ensure highly creative and intuitive user interfaces.

    • Work on the user's attention and focus by creating a visual hierarchy. 
    • Use the right mix of colour, typography, and visual design. 
    • Give users a sense of delight with micro-interactions and animations. 
    • Test the app's user interface regularly to identify and fix usability issues disturbing users' journeys. 
    • Go for a user-centric design approach to meet the needs and preferences of users. 


    4. Accessibility and inclusivity 

    Does your web or app design allow people with disabilities to access it? If not, you need to think about it. Accessibility and inclusivity are the primary traits to consider while designing an app or a website. Also, your website design must follow accessibility standards like Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WACG).

    Furthermore, you must design an app considering various needs and backgrounds like age, race, culture, language, and gender identity. Users should be able to access and use the app or website regardless of their abilities, backgrounds, and physical disabilities.


    Here is a list of tips to ensure accessibility and inclusivity in design.

    • Receive feedback from people with disabilities to design the app appropriately. 
    • Follow user accessibility standards while designing the app. 
    • Go for an inclusive design approach that perfectly caters to users of all backgrounds. 
    • Avoid jargon and technical terms that might be difficult for people to understand. 
    • Come up with various web app ideas and representations to ensure the diversity of users. 


    5. Budget and Time Restrictions

    Your client wants the app to be designed and developed by this week. However, you have lots of work to do. Such deadlines might kill creativity. Also, you have budget restrictions to think of. In such scenarios, designers face challenges developing high-end, impressive, and unique designs. It might compromise your creativity. 


    Here is what you do in case of budget and time constraints.

    • Prioritise your tasks in a manner that you finish all the tasks before the deadline ends. 
    • The best way to do this is to break the project into various small, manageable tasks. 
    • Set realistic deadlines that can be met without compromising quality. 
    • Hire a professional UI UX design services provider with a team of talented UI UX designers who are good at planning the design process. 


    6. Confused and Complex Chatbots

    Chatbots are great at guiding users in a dilemma or want answers. However, sometimes, these chatbots confuse customers by offering irrelevant solutions. It might impact user engagement and abandonments. These chatbots are generally AI chatbots, and they sometimes miss what customers are looking for. In such scenarios, designers might face challenges in how to overcome such confusion.


    Here is what you can do to overcome this challenge:

    • The best way is to keep the language of the chatbots simple for questions and answers. 
    • Connect users with support agents immediately if the question is complex. 
    • Iterate on design to improve the performance of chatbots. 

    What are the steps for patenting a mobile application?

    7. Lack of Understanding of Your Role

    The most common challenge among freshly recruited designers is not knowing their roles and needing to know their responsibilities. It might create confusion and chaos. Sometimes, it could result in over-commitment and under-delivery. Also, it might jeopardize your company, reputation, and delivery schedule.


    Here is a list of things you can do to avoid it.

    • The designer must be well-versed in their role and responsibilities. Take a proper training session with them to educate them about their role. 
    • They should know what exactly is expected from them. 
    • Keep a communication channel open with them to avoid communication gaps. 


    8. Keeping up to date with design trends

    Another challenge for designers is to keep up with the latest design trends. The UX design is a broad spectrum, and new design trends rule it globally. Designers must be familiar with the latest trends and design aspects to offer the best design solutions to their clients. They should be well-versed in the latest design tools and other resources.


    • Keep a design journal to note essential design aspects and trends. 
    • Steal daily or weekly to learn and upskill yourself with different design trends. 
    • Keep reading web and app design resources to keep updated with the latest designs. 


    9. A/B Testing Errors

    Sometimes, A/B testing leads to inaccuracies and might affect design consistency. Designers might develop better design choices that can improve the overall visual impact of the user interface. Such A/B testing errors occur due to unclear hypotheses, false or misleading metrics, or insufficient sample sizes.


    • Ensure clear hypotheses to avoid such misinterpreting results. 
    • Ensure to start the test when all the components are in the right place. 
    • Choose the right audience and use an excellent sizable sample to get accurate results. 


    10. Design-Development Gap

    This is the last but the most critical challenge to understand and conquer. When designers fail to balance the design and development phases, it might lead to inaccuracies. Some design features must be implemented appropriately, leading to a UX design that does not meet users' needs.

    The design-development gap occurs when developers face issues while implementing the design features. The leading cause of this issue is the need for more communication between designers and developers. This gap might lead to delayed deliveries, inconsistencies, increased costs, and poor outcomes.


    • Involve developers in the design process to ensure transparency. 
    • Ensure that developers understand technical constraints and feasibility. 
    • Developers should also offer valuable feedback and suggestions to improve the product's overall design. 
    • Use a design system, a collection of various design components, styles, guidelines, and other valuable resources that clearly define the functional and visual aspects of the product. 

    Common UX Challenges and Solutions infographic



    By offering a splendid user experience, your app or website will yield good results. To get a competitive edge in today's digitalized era, you must consider offering your target audience a seamless user experience.

    Your app or website must be consistent across all devices and platforms and offer a unified experience. In this post, we have discussed some common UX challenges that UX designers face and how you can overcome these challenges.

    ManekTech is a leading UI UX Design Services provider, offering high-end, tailor-made, and comprehensive UX design services to enterprises and businesses. You can hire dedicated developers who will work solely on your project. Hire the ManekTech team to get the best UX design solutions.

    Common UX Challenges and Solutions CTA

    About Author

    Manektech Team

    Ruchir Pandya

    Delivery Head of Web

    Ruchir Pandya is a seasoned software and business professional with over 15 years of experience in IT, Software Development, and operations. As the overseer of the Open-Source Web department (PHP Department), he takes charge of development and operations.

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