With Family Social Media App, people can keep their family tree connected forever. With this app, family members from generations ago can send anniversary wishes to their loved ones or can create a happy birthday wishes for future by text or video for a newborn relative that they wouldn't see until their certain birthday. App assigns a unique family code to each side of the family and it enables relatives to stay connected for generations allowing them to communicate now and in the future. People can send a message to a family member now, or create a photo, video or text to be delivered to family members in the future time. People can build a page for a new family member to store baby pictures and memories until he or she is old enough to add to it independently. People can create their own picture-will through a collage of photos, videos, messages and allows unborn relatives in the years to come to know them by inheriting all their post and revisiting their happiest times together.
Architecture SQLite, MySQL
Tools XCode, Android Studio, NetBeans, FileZilla
Language Objective-C, Java, PHP
Platform iOS, Android, Laravel
News Feed:Users can view posts from other family members in the news feed screen. Users can like posts as well. Users can add their own posts and share on news feed.
Comments:Users can like posts and add comments on the posts.
Future Messages:Users can future messages to their loved ones by selecting future date and time. Receiver will be able to view future messages at specified date and time only.
Wall:Users can view their own posts in the wall area and view comments. Users can delete the post from there.
Messaging:Users can send messages to their family members and chat with them.
Connections:Users can send family code to their family members and they can join the platform. Users can view all the family members in the family members area.
Push Notifications:App includes push notifications, so that users don’t miss any updates.
Key Features
Demonstration of a Service/Product : By investing in social networking app development, you can easily and quickly market your items to targeted customers.
Prospective Clientele : When it comes to social networking apps, it is the final source for the user's profile, which includes vital information such as their hobbies, preferences, and opinions.
Conversion Rates and Search Ranking : It's fascinating to learn that every single like, share, or repost on your published article raises your Google search rating. It might take years to reach clients if you don't use social media.
Login Immediately : Social media allows users to interact with peers, friends, and family all around the world in an engaging way.
Web Snapshots
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