Revamp Medical Data With Digital Health Care Solutions
Healthcare provider solutions have been seduced into reconsidering their business strategies to expedite digital health adoption because of the extraordinary influence on the planet care paradigm with the commencement of COVID-19. There has never been a more pressing need for a comprehensive, collaborative, scalable, and resilient digital healthcare infrastructure.
Technology is, definitely, the answer. Healthcare providers may redesign their patient care delivery models to meet the aspirations of Gen Z patients by combining the power of modern digital solutions, such as cloud architecture, AI, automation, virtual agents, and chatbots, with well-designed strategic initiatives.
Language C#
Tools VIsual studio 2019, MySQL Workbench
Platform ASP.NET MVC
Architecture MySQL
RegistrationThe patient can then add symptoms to what he or she is experiencing, as well as medical history when registering.
AdviceThe patient describes their symptoms and the difficulty they are having, and the administrator directs them to which doctor to see.
AppointmentAccording to on the symptoms described by the patient, the app recommends which doctor should be consulted. The patient then makes an appointment with the physician.
RedirectionIf the program offers pharmacy and laboratory services, it will take you to that page if the patient needs additional care.
Key Features
Appointments and Remote Scheduling : The capacity to organize and schedule appointments becomes crucial in circumstances when a significant frequency of patient appointments is required.
Communication that complies with HIPAA : The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) establishes requirements for safeguarding sensitive patient information.
Creating Clinical Documents : Telemedicine software automates the creation of patient-physician contact logs, records, and transcripts, which is crucial for any healthcare professional.
Conferencing with Audio and Video : Most Telehealth solutions include interactive Audio and Video Conferencing modules that assist doctors in diagnosing patients based on visual cues.
Web Snapshots
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