Using Property Management Mobile application and dashboard real estate companies can manage their properties, inventories, home inspections, surveyors and work-flow process from anywhere over the cloud. Clients can add, organise and monitor their properties through custom portfolios. Each portfolio holds full and detailed profiles for each of the properties. Clients can securely upload and store external documents for each property portfolio. Client can track the progress of instructions real-time with status reporting tools, from the field through to report delivery. For each property, within each portfolio, a status history of appointments, notes and administrators compiles as users work.
Platform React Native, Laravel
Tools -
Architecture SQLite
Language JavaScript, PHP
Property ReportsFrom dashboard clients can gather and report such analysis with ease: check instruction levels and status conditions, outstanding reports etc.
Inspection ManagementInspection services provide associated detailed records and details the internal condition of a property and its contents which is fair, objective and impartial.
Property ManagementClients can add all their properties into a portfolio. Users can also add all rooms, upload external files/documents and create exact templates of each property saving time on future instructions by reducing re-keying of data.
Offline SupportApp also works offline and sync data with dashboard.Portfolio Management:Clients can create a portfolio and add then add a property to it. Each portfolio holds full and detailed profiles for each of the properties.
Inventory ManagementClients can use inventories services such as inventory makes, ingoing and outgoing inventories, check in & outs, interim inspections, legionella risk assessments, floor plans.
Key Features
Cash Payments in Retail : An easy way for residents to make, receive, and handle cash payments.
Online Payments : Rent, association fees, and vendor payments may all be made and accepted online.
Monitor : Business costs, as well as property expenses, should be tracked and reported on.
Accounting for real estate : Manage bank accounts securely, take rent, and generate useful data.
Web Snapshots
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