Surgical Care: Patient & Surgeon Record Management System

A seamless platform development connecting patients and surgeons.

PHP , WordPress


Our clients who provide health coverage for their employees traditionally manage all the documents and communication by doing physical paperwork and phone calls without any digital platform or technology. The surgeons were selected for a patient based on the referral without consultation. They wanted to develop a medical document management system to streamline processes.


Need to develop a solution that should manage all the stakeholders' details, such as employer, surgeon, and patients, where the patients can maintain all their health records without compromising any data privacy and have the option to choose the expert surgeon based on case needs to avoid unnecessary surgery and complications from inexperienced surgeons. The transaction process should be seamless for the payment to the surgeon for the surgery execution with an accessible communication channel between the patient and surgeon for consultation or queries.


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Our development team has developed a one-stop solution that authenticates and stores the records of all the user details, followed by HIPAA compliance for the employer, surgeon, and patient. Provide a text-based communication medium to communicate with the patient and the surgeon. A logic has been built where all the matching patients and surgeons were listed and displayed to each other based on the surgery needs and report.

Key Features:

  • Patient:

    • Profile Creation: To access the suitable list of surgeons, patients must first register and set up their profile. During the profile creation, patients can enter all the relevant data, including health-related details, medicines they have used priorly, and reports created.
    • List of Matching Surgeons:  Based on the details entered by the patients and the issue of the patients, a list of suitable surgeons will be displayed to them. A list of surgeons will be displayed with information like name, image, star ratings, and costs.
    • Surgeon Detail Page: The patient will get detailed information by clicking on any surgeon. Patients can view details such as names, images, reviews submitted by other patients, and a list of all the practice areas and hospitals the surgeon can work with.
    • Chat: Patients will also find an option to chat with the surgeon. This will help patients clear the questions/doubts they have and get to know more about the surgeon.
    • Book an Appointment: Clicking on the “Book an Appointment” button, the patient will be presented with a calendar from which they can select the month and date. The patient can view all the booked and available slots for that particular day based on the date selected. A patient can book their preferred slot by making a payment.
    • Payment: To confirm the booking, the user must proceed with the payment. Payment will be calculated based on the facilities added, procedure type, and anaesthesia requested. We have integrated the Stripe payment gateway for easy and secure payment.
    • Booking History: From here, the patient will get all the details regarding their past bookings. Patients will also find notes and other instructions that the surgeon has added. A patient will also get to know the details regarding the scheduled surgery.
  • Surgeon:

    • Registration: To create an account, the user will need to enter their details like first name, last name, mobile number, and type of surgeon, can add the expertise; the surgeon must enter their hospital details where they have permission to work. The surgeon will also find an option to add a certificate. Once the registration is done, a surgeon can log in by adding an email address and password.
    • Dashboard: Surgeons can get meaningful insight into the latest bookings, upcoming surgery details, and related notifications. Along with this, the dashboard will also provide information regarding earnings, helping surgeons keep track of their financial performance.
    • Manage Appointments: From here, the admin can view a list of all their bookings and get to know the details regarding the upcoming surgeries.
    • Cases Assigned: From here, the surgeons can view a list of all the cases assigned to them by various hospitals. This will also include patient information, hospital information, and scheduled dates.
    • Notifications: Surgeons can receive notifications of new cases, appointments, and messages.
    • Messages: Surgeons can view a list of all the patients' messages and chat with them. They can also exchange images and documents in PDF and Word formats during the chat.
    • Earnings: Surgeons can view the list of their earnings from here. Hospitals or clinics will pay surgeons based on the number of surgeries performed by the surgeon. 
  • Hospitals:

    • The role of the hospitals is if the surgeon is working or practicing for any of the hospitals, then the payment will be first received by the hospitals through the patients. Then, the hospitals will pay the surgeons based on the decided commission or pricing.
  • Admin:

    • Dashboard: The dashboard will allow the admin user to have an insight into various aspects, such as displaying the number of new registrations for patients and surgeons, the total number of bookings made by patients, a summary of the earnings generated, and the average rating for the surgeons.
    • User Management: Admin can manage user accounts, including employers, surgeons, and patients. Admin can add, modify, or delete user accounts. Ensures HIPPA compliance for storing user details securely.
    • Appointment Management: Admin can oversee and manage all appointments between patients and surgeons. Admins can view and track upcoming surgeries and patient appointments. 
    • Messaging System:  From here, the admin can monitor the communication between the patient and surgeons. 
    • Earnings Overview: Admin can access insights into surgeons' earnings. Can track earnings based on the number of surgeries performed by each surgeon.


Healthcare Software Development successfully addresses the challenges faced by health coverage providers. The platform ensures seamless communication between patients and surgeons, changing the healthcare management process. The platform enhances patient-surgeon collaboration with features like detailed surgeon profiles, secure chat options, and a transparent appointment and payment system. The result is an innovative, user-friendly Surgeon Record Management system providing a connected and informed healthcare ecosystem.

Technologies and Tools:

  • Backend: Core PHP
  • Database: MYSQL
  • Platform: WordPress
  • Tools: VS Code

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